Đề ôn tập kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm 2020-2021 - Trường THCS & THPT Vĩnh Lộc

Đề ôn tập kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm 2020-2021 - Trường THCS & THPT Vĩnh Lộc


1. Sound: (0.5)

2. Stress: (0.5)

3. Word form (0.5): One of the units

 4. Word meaning (1.0): Four of the units

 5. Synonym (0.5): Two of the units

 6. Antonym (0.5): Two of the units

 7. Speaking (0.5): - One about greeting

 - One about compliment

8. Grammar (1.5): - Tenses: 2 sentences

- Passive voice: 2 sentences

- Reported speech: 2 sentences

Phần IV. READING (2.5)

 - Part 1: Comprehension reading: 5 sentences (1.25)

 - Part 2: Cloze test: 5 sentences (1.25)

Phần V. WRITING (2.0)

 - Part 1: Error Identification: 3 sentences (0.75)

 - Part 2: Sentence Transformation: 5 sentences (1.25)




TASK 1: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. books B. bats C. days D. photographs

2. A. dates B. matches C. boxes D. cases

3. A. does B. moves C. loves D. finishes

4. A. house B. mouse C. pause D. nurse

5. A. works B. stops C. shifts D. plays

TASK 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. planted B. naked C. knocked D. mended

2. A. stopped B. arrived C. faced D. faxed

3. A. walked B. explained C. helped D. missed


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 ---***--- Năm học: 2020 – 2021
1. Sound: (0.5)
2. Stress: (0.5)
3. Word form (0.5): One of the units
	4. Word meaning (1.0): Four of the units
	5. Synonym (0.5): Two of the units
	6. Antonym (0.5): Two of the units
	7. Speaking (0.5):	- One about greeting
	 	- One about compliment
8. Grammar (1.5):	- Tenses: 2 sentences	
- Passive voice: 2 sentences	
- Reported speech: 2 sentences
Phần IV. READING (2.5)
	- Part 1: Comprehension reading: 5 sentences (1.25)
	- Part 2: Cloze test: 5 sentences (1.25)
Phần V. WRITING (2.0)
	- Part 1: Error Identification: 3 sentences (0.75)
	- Part 2: Sentence Transformation: 5 sentences (1.25)
TASK 1: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.	
1. A. books 	B. bats	C. days	D. photographs
2. A. dates	B. matches	C. boxes	D. cases
3. A. does	B. moves	C. loves	D. finishes
4. A. house	B. mouse	C. pause	D. nurse
5. A. works	B. stops	C. shifts	D. plays
TASK 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. planted	B. naked	C. knocked	D. mended
2. A. stopped	B. arrived	C. faced	D. faxed
3. A. walked	B. explained	C. helped	D. missed
4. A. concerned	B. waited	C. loved	D. supposed
5. A. obliged	B. determined	C. believed	D. kissed	
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the other.
1. 	A. situation	B. appropriate 	C. informality 	D. entertainment
2. 	A. across 	B. simply 	C. common 	D. brother
3. 	A. hospital 	B. mischievous 	C. supportive 	D. special
4. 	A. family 	B. whenever 	C. obedient 	D. solution
5. 	A. biologist 	B. generally 	C. responsible 	D. security
6. 	A. maintain 	B. attitude 	C. determine 	D. develop
7. 	A. brilliant 	B. different 	C. secretary 	D. attractive
8. 	A. attract 	B. person 	C. signal 	D. instance
9. 	A. verbal 	B. suppose 	C. even 	D. either
10. A. example 	B. consider 	C. several 	D. attention
C/ VOCABULARY: Choose the best answer.
1. My father is very helpful. He is always _______give a hand with cleaning the house. 
	A. will to	B. will	C. willing	D. willing to
2. She had to work on _______last night, so she is very tired this morning. 
 A. light night	B. the table	C. the bed	D. night shift
3. Americans believe in _________ marriage whereas the Asians have to suffer _________ one. 
	A. the Chinese / Italian	B. Roman / the Great Wall 
	C. romantic / contractual	D. contractual / romantic
4. Many Indian students agree that a woman has to _________ more in a marriage than a man. 
	A. suicide	B. sacrifice	C. die	D. be dead
5. Some of my students are quite _______ and enjoy playing tricks on their friends.
	A. mischievous	B. obedient	C. supportive	D. passive
6. I’m trying to win a place at a university so I’m under a lot of study __________.
 A. pressure	B. subject	C. tradition	D. money
7. To attract someone’s attention, we can use verbal or non-verbal ______________.
 A. signal	B. communication	C. way	D. method
8. Pointing at someone is usually considered _______________in foreign countries.
 A. polite	B. acceptable	C. rude	D. comfortable
9. Students ___________their _______________when they want to answer the teacher’s question.
 	A shake/hand	B. raise/hand	C. nod/head	D. shake/head
10. A whistle is the _______ for the football players to begin the match.
 	A. communication	B. instance 	C. attention 	D. signal
11. Body language is a potent form of _______ communication.
	A. verbal 	B. non-verbal 	C. tongue 	D. oral
12. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife ‘s sister and her kids, it is a________family
	A. nuclear	B. extended	C. crowed	D. single-parent
13. If something _______ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it.
	A. pays 	B. allow 	C. catches 	D. wave
14. ____ is a person who works at home and takes care of the house and family.
	A. Houseman	B. Breadwinner	C. Homemaker	D. Servant 
15. When his wife gave birth to a baby boy, Mr. Nam became the sole ____.
	A. housemaid	B. father	C. housekeeper	D. breadwinner
16. Many children below the age of five go to ________________ school.
 A. nursery 	 B. nursing 	 C. kindergarten	 D. baby
17. At school, children learn a lot of ________, such as maths, biology, history, geography, and English.
 A. objects	 B. subjects	 C. topics	 D. lessons
18. In the UK, ____ schools refer to government-funded schools which provide education free of charge to pupils.
 A. state 	 B. secondary 	 C. independent 	 D. primary
19. Most people will receive ____ benefits when sharing the housework in their family.
	A. enormous	B. enormity	C. enormousness	D. enormously
20. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.
	A. marry 	B. married 	C. marriageable 	D. marriage
21. Most of us would maintain that physical ___does not playa major part in how we react to the people we meet.
	A. attract 	B. attractive 	C. attractiveness 	D. attractively
22. Mrs White was so angry that she made a _________ gesture at the driver.
 	A. rudeness 	B. rudely 	C. rude 	D. rudest
23. They started, as _______ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years. 
	A. informal 	B. informally 	C. informalize 	D. informality
24. We found their program ________________ and informative. 
 A. educative	 B. education	 C. educating	 D. educate
25. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to questions.
	A. attention 	B. attentive 	 C. attentively 	D. attentiveness
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. When you see your teacher approaching you, a slight wave to attract his attention is appropriate.
	A. coming nearer to 	B. catching sight of 	C. pointing at 	D. looking up to
2. Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
 A. deal with	B. manage	C. help together	D. work together
3. She got up late and rushed to the bus stop.
	A. came into 	B. went leisurely 	C. went quickly 	D. dropped by
4. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.
	A. help 	B. prepared 	C. be busy 	D. attempt
5. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.
	A. happen 	B. encounter 	C. arrive 	D. clean
6. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
	A. correct 	B. right 	C. suitable	D. exact
7. This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.
	A. matter	B. attention 	C. place 	D. situation
8. When you are in a restaurant, you can raise your hand slightly to show that you need assistance. 
 	A. help 	B. menu 	C. food 	D. bill
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. From my point of view, parental divorce can cause lasting negative consequences for children.
	A. single person	B. ending of a marriage
	C. the situation of not marrying	D. beginning of a marriage
2. In my view, husbands should contribute to the household duties in order to reduce burden on their wives.
	A. increase	B. lower	C. minimise	D. decrease
3. There are a lot of differences between Vietnamese and American cultures.
	A. similarities	B. independence	C. arrangement	D. values
4. Setting and clearing the table, making bed and taking out the trash are suitable chores for 8- to 10-years-old children.
	A. acceptable	B. inappropriate	C. Reasonable	D. proper
5. In most social situations where some informality is allowed, a brief raise of the hand is fine.
	A. friendliness	B. unfriendliness	C. appropriation	D. communication
6. We can use either verbal or non-verbal forms of communication to attract someone’s attention.
	A. attentive	B. voiceless	C. active 	D. spoken
7. Schooling is compulsory for all English children from the age of 5 to 16. 
 A. optional	 B. required	 C. forced	 D. imperious
8. The second category is the ‘independent’ or ‘public’ school system which is fee-paying.
 A. optional	 B. unnecessary	 C. low	 D. free
F/ SPEAKING: Choose the best answer.
1. Giang: You’re really an excellent student, Hồng. 
 Hồng: _________. I’m still very bad. I think I have to try my best to keep pace with you, Giang. 
	A. Certainly	B. You must be kidding	C. Sure	D. You’re welcome 
2. Hạnh: I don’t know what tailor’s that can make such a beautiful dress for you, Hiền!
 Hiền: _________, Hạnh. I’ve finally found a style that suits me so much. 
	A. Never mind	B. Go to the canteen with me
	C. I’m glad you like it	D. Nice to see you 
3. Thanh: I really enjoy your public speaking skills, Nga. Your English is really good, too. 
 Nga: ___, Thanh. Thank you very much for your sincere compliment. You made me try much harder. 
	A. It’s very kind of you to say so 	B. That’s not your work
	C. I’m certainly very famous for those things 	D. Yes, of course. It’s me! 
4. To attract the guests’ attentions at the party, a polite MC on first appearance may say_________. 
	A. Good night everybody!	B. Good evening my slaves
	C. Ladies and gentlemen!	D. Hey, everybody! Shut up now!
5. When two strange people are first introduced to each other, they often say “_________”. 
	A. Nice to meet you!	B. Shut up!	C. You’re welcome!	D. Never mind! 
6. At their first meeting, two people may say the same sentence like “_________” and then shake hands when making acquaintance to each other. 
	A. Pardon me?	B. I hate you so much!	C. I don’t know you!	D. How do you do? 
7. When two friends meet after a long time apart from each other, they often say “_________”. 
	A. How old are you?	B. Long time no see!	C. It’s odd to see you!	D. Shut up! 
8. To show your care for another person’s health, you may ask “_________” to him or her. 
	A. How do you do?	B. How old are you?	C. How are you?	D. Nice to see you! 
9. Jane: “Wow! You look great with your new hair. ” – Jack: _________. 
	A. You’re welcome	B. Congratulation!	C. It’s a pleasure	D. Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so
10. Sam: - “Would you like to have dinner with me?” – Susan: “_________.”
	A. I’m very happy 	B. Yes, so do 	C. Yes, it is	D. Yes, I’d love to 
G/ GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer.
I _______this film twice.	 A. see B. saw C. will see D. have seen
I ____ him ten days ago.	 A. see B. saw	 C. have seen D. will see
I _____ about him when he suddenly came in. A. talk B. talked C. am talking D. was talking
No sooner _____ the office than the telephone rang.
	A. was he leaving	B. he was leaving	C. he had left 	D. had he left
Up to now, the teacher _______ our class five tests.
	A. gives	B. is giving	C. has given 	D. had given
Tom _____ before we arrived there.
	A. has left 	B. had left	C. will leave	D. leaves
After we _____ our work, we ____ for lunch.
	A. having finish/ went 	B. have finished/ went 	C. had finished/went 	D. having finish/ going
They ____ a lot of preparation before the match started.
	A. has made	B. had made	C. will be made 	D. are making
Who ______ when I came?
	A. were you talking to 	B. are you talking to 	C. you were talking to 	D. you are talking to 
 Please send us a postcard as soon as you _______in London.
	A. will arrive 	B. is going to arrive 	C. arrive 	D. arrived
I ______ her since I _____ a student.
	A. know/ am	B. knew/ was 	C. have known/ am 	D. have known/ was
 While I was going to school yesterday, I ____ him.
	A. meet 	B. met 	C. will meet 	D. am meeting
When the alarm rang, Hai ______ out of bed quickly.
	A. was jumping 	B. has jumped 	C. had jumped 	D. jumped
Jack asked me _____.	
	A. where do you come from? 	B. where I come from 	
	C. where I came from	D. where did I come from?
The doctor ____ him to take more exercise.
	A. told	B. tell	C. have told 	D. are telling
I wanted to know_____ return home.
	A. when would she	B. when will she	C. when she will 	D. when she would
Judy ______ going for a walk, but no one else wanted to.
	A. admitted	B. offered	C. promised 	D. suggested
It is _____ that many people are homeless after the floods.
	A. was reported	B. reports 	C. reported 	D. reporting
He was said _____ this building.
	A. designing 	B. to have designed 	C. to design 	D. designed
The workers of the plants were being ___________by the chief engineer.
	A. instruct	B. instructing	C. instructed	D. to instruct
79. Some of my books ________ away.
	A. has taken	B. has been taken	C. has been taking	D. is taking
We didn’t play football yesterday. The match___________.
	A. has cancelled	B. was being cancelled	C. was cancelled	D. would be cancelled
One of the boys ________ by the police last night.
	A. was arrested	B. was arresting	C. had arrested	D. had been arrested
Tom bought that book yesterday.
	A. That book was bought by Tom yesterday. 	B. That book was bought yesterday by Tom.
	C. That book yesterday was bought by Tom.	D. That book was bought yesterday.
The new computer system _____ next month. 	
	A. is be installed 	B. is being installed	C. is been installed 	D. is being installed by people
They said that their house had been broken into ______.
	A. the two days before B. two days ago	C. two days before 	D. since two days
II/ WRITING: Choose the best option for each of the following sentences.
1. Cindy said that “I haven’t seen John since last month.”
	A. Cindy said she hasn’t seen John since the previous month
	B. Cindy said she hadn’t seen John since the previous month	
	C. Cindy said she wasn’t seen John since the previous month
	D. Cindy said she doesn’t see John since the previous month
2. The little boy said “two and two make four.”
	A. The little boy said that two and two made four. B. The little boy said that two and two have made four.
	C. The little boy said that two and two had made four. D. The little boy said that two and two make four.
3. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor. ”Minh said to Lan.
	A. Minh told Lan to become a doctor 	B. Minh advised Lan to go to the doctor
	C. Minh told Lan that he would to go to the doctor 	D. Minh advised Lan not to go to the doctor
4. His wife said to him: “write to me as often as you can”
	A. His wife told him to write to her as often as he can 
	B. His wife told him to write to her as often as he could
	C. His wife told him writing to her as often as he could 
	D. His wife told him writing to her as often as he can
5. “What were you doing last night, Mr John?” asked the police.
	A. The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr John
 	B. The police asked Mr John what he had been doing the night before
 	C. The police asked Mr John what he had been done the night before
	D. The police asked Mr John what had he been done the night before
6. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” he said.
 	A. He apologized for having to leave early.	 B. He apologized to have to leave early.
	C. He apologized that he has to leave early.	 D. He apologized to have left early.
7. Nobody could solve this problem.
	A. This problem could be solved.	B. This problem was not solved.
	C. This problem could be not solved.	D. This problem could not be solved
8. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
	A. It was believed that 13 is an unlucky number.	B. It is believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
	C. 13 is believed to have been an unlucky number.	D. 13 was believed to be an unlucky number.
9. They declared that she won the competition.
	A. She was declared to win the competition.	B. She was declared to have won the competition.
	C. She is declared to have won the competition.	D. It is declared that she won the competition.
10. “Why don’t you go by train? It’s much less tiring than driving, “ I said.
	A. I advised him to go by train as it was much less tiring than driving.
	B. I suggested him to go by train as it was much less tiring than driving.
	C. I warned him to go by train as it was much less tiring than driving.
	D. I advised him going by train as it was much less tiring than driving.
11. “Will you be here tomorrow?” she asked – “Yes” I answered
	A. She asked if I would be there the next day and I said that I would.
	B. She asked if I will be there the next day and I said that I will.
	C. She asked if you would be there the next day and I said that you would.
	D. She asked if I would be there the next day and I said that I will.
12. “If I were you I’d try to get a room on the top floor,” he said
	A. He advised me to try to get a room on the top floor.
	B. He advised me to try getting a room on the top floor.
	C. He offered me to try to get a room on the top floor.
	D. He suggested me to try to get a room on the top floor.
13."Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?" he said.
A. He invited me to go to the cinema with him that night. 
B. He offered me to go to the cinema with him tonight.
C. He asked me if I'd like to go to the cinema with him tonight.
D. He would like me to go to the cinema with him this night.
14. 'Remember to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon," she said.
A. She told me to remember to pick her up at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
B. She reminded me to pick her up at 6 o'clock the following afternoon.
C. She reminded me to remember to pick her up at 6 o'clock the next afternoon.
D. She told me to pick her up at 6 o'clock the next day afternoon.
15." Let's have a picnic next Saturday," Julia said.
A. Julia said that let's have a picnic the next Saturday.
B. Julia suggested having a picnic the following Saturday.
C. Julia advised how about having a picnic the next Saturday.
D. Julia told that why they didn't have a picnic next Saturday.
16. These boys broke the windows
 	A. The windows are broken by these boys 	B. The windows was broken by these boys 
 	C. The windows were broken by these boys 	D. The windows were broke by these boys
17. People say the Chinese invented gunpowder.
 	A. The Chinese are said to invent gunpowder.	B. The Chinese are said to have invented gunpowder.
 	C. The Chinese is said to invent gunpowder.	D. It is is said that the Chinese have invented gunpowder.
18. They think that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
	A. The prisoner is thought to escape by climbing over the wall.
	B. The prisoner is thought escaped by climbing over the wall.
	C. The prisoner is thought having escaping by climbing over the wall.
	D. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall. 
19. Noone has used the machine for 3 years.
A. This machine hasn’t been used for 3 years.	B. This machine hasn’t to be used for 3 years.	
C. This machine hasn’t used for 3 years.	D. This machine has been used for 3 years by noone.
20. That factory is producing more and more pollution. 
A. More and more pollution is being produced by that factory 
B. More and more pollution is produced by that factory 
 	C. More and more pollution are being produced by that factory 
D. More and more pollution are produced by that factory 
21. The teacher (a) tells Langston Hughes is (b) a (c) famous poet (d) of the USA. 
22. Jane (a) said to him, “(b) Read my exercise and (c) told me if (d) it is correct”. 
23. The (a) shopkeeper (b) asked the boys (c) to don’t lean their bicycles (d) against his wimdow. 
24. English(A) is believe(B) to be(C) an international(D) language.
25. They(A) were took(B) for a drive in(C) the new car by(D) my father.
26. (A)Most of (B)the films (C)made (D)for entertainment.
27. Peter (A)is said (B)being (C)good (D)at English. 
28. I (A)finished college last year, and I (B)am working here for (C)only eight months (D)now.
29. Each of the (A)members of the group (B)were made (C)to write a report every (D)week.
30. Last week Mark (A)told me that he (B)got very bored with his present job and (C)is looking for a (D)new one.
A/ Read the text and choose the correct answer.
 	In many modern countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children. But this is not the only kind of the family group. In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members. This kind of large family is called an “extended family” or a “joint family”.
 	The joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother’s or the father’s side of the family. It is made up of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and cousins. They live together in a large house or in huts built close together.
 	Early people probably lived in joint families. They had to be part of a large group to survive. The members of the group helped each other hunt. They worked together to protect themselves from dangerous animals and other enemies.
 	In China, people live in joint families. When a son gets married, he and his wife live at his parents’ home. Unmarried daughters remain at home until they get married. Chinese children feel very loyal to their parents. Younger members of the joint families always take care of the old ones.
 	In India and Africa, some people still live in joint families. The members of a joint family share their earnings and property. If one member of the group becomes ill or has a bad luck, the others help the person. As in the past, the members of the joint family offer each other help and protection.
1. The phrases “is made up of” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by ________
A. thinks of	B. consists of	C. forms of	D. makes of
2. What is another name for “joint family”?
A. group family	B. modern family	C. old family	D. extended family
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The joint family is only in China.	B. A joint family is a large family.
C. The members of the joint family used to help each other a lot.
D. Chinese children are always loyal to their parents.
4. This passage as a whole tells us about ________.
A. families in China	B. all types of family	C. joint families	D. large houses
5. Where does a married man in China often live?
A. at his parents’ homeB. at his brother’s home	C. at his sister’s home	D. at his wife’s home
B/ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
	A recent study shows that an ___(1)___ share of household chores is still the norm in many households, despite the fact that many more women now have jobs. In a survey of 1,256 people aged between 18 and 65, men said they ___(2)___ an average of 37 per cent of the total housework, while the women estimated their share to be nearly double that, at 70 per cent. This ratio was not affected by whether the woman was working or not.
	When they ___(3)___ what they thought was a fair division of labour, women with jobs felt that housework should be shared equally between male and female partners. Women who did not work outside the home were satisfied to perform 80 per cent - the majority of housework - if their husbands did the remainder. Research has shown that if levels increase beyond these percentages, women become unhappy and anxious, and feel they are ___(4)___.
	___(5)___ marriage, a woman is reported to increase her household workload by 14 hours per week, but for men the amount is just 90 minutes. So the ___(6)___ of labour becomes unbalanced, as the man's share increases much less than the woman's. It is the inequality and loss of respect, not the actual number of hours. which leads to anxiety and depression. The research even describe housework as thankless and unfulfilling.
1. 	A. equal	B. unequally	C. equality	D. unequal
2. 	A. practised	B. played	C. contributed	D. worked
3. 	A. was asked 	B. asked	C. were asked	D. are asked
4. 	A. unimportant	B. worthy	C. essential	D. slight
5. 	A. Before	B. While	C. After	D. During
6. 	A. divide	B. divisable	C. devision	D. divisively

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