Word formation compound adjectives - Compound adjectives 01
Fill the blanks with the right word to make a compound adjective.
heart-. news heart-. support heart-. thinking
life-. classes life-. disease life-. rain record-. results
self-. accommodation self-. door self-. equipment
self-. .explanation self-. organisation self-.regulations
self . watch
Which word can come after each of the groups to make compound adjectives?
A. care- dust- duty guilt- lead- pollution- rent- tax- traffic F.
B. kind- light- soft- tender- warm H.
C. bomb bullet damp dust fire flame fool sound water P
D. air car home S.
E. well- plain- out- soft- S.
Join words from list A and B to form compound adjectives.
COMPOUND ADJECTIVES - 01 EXERCISE 204 Fill the blanks with the right word to make a compound adjective. A. heart-... news heart-... support heart-... thinking BREAKING SEARCHING WARMING B. life-.. classes life-... disease life-... rain record-... results BREAKING GIVING SAVING THREATENING C. self-... accommodation self-... door self-... equipment self-. ..explanation self-... organisation self-...regulations self ... watch CATERING CLEANING DEFEATING JUSTIFYING LOCKING REGULATING WINDING EXERCISE 205 Which word can come after each of the groups to make compound adjectives? A. care- dust- duty guilt- lead- pollution- rent- tax- traffic F... B. kind- light- soft- tender- warm H... C. bomb bullet damp dust fire flame fool sound water P D. air car home S... E. well- plain- out- soft- S... EXERCISE 206 Join words from list A and B to form compound adjectives. A. full heart life long low second short B. affirming blooded blown breaking class cut distance felt flavoured giving grown hand handed lasting lived lost tempered paid preserving range rate saving searching sighted standing suffering supporting threatening warming EXERCISE 207 Fill in the blanks with the right words to form compound adjectives. If you find the exercise too difficult, look for the right words in the list below. absent-... professor bitter-... taste breast-... infant clean-... man fact- mission freeze-... coffee air-... apartment blood-... monster breath-... view cold-... criminal far-... conclusion front- ... news audio-... aids brand-... car bullet-... jacket duty-... shop first-... ticket BLOODED CLASS DRIED CONDITIONED FED FETCHED FINDING FREE GOING MINDED NEW PAGE PROOF SHAVEN TAKING THIRSTY SWEET VISUAL EXERCISE 208 Which of the following participles would not combine with SELF- to make compound adjectives? assured brewed forsaken confident educated elected employed imposed inflicted made opinionated possessed satisfied tanned taught EXERCISE 209* -BOUND can be used to moke compound adjectives. Divide the following adjectives into three groups: 1) when they indicate a restriction, e.g. duty-bound. 2) when they indicate a direction, e.g. Cracow-bound. 3) when they indicate the kind of book covers, e.g. paper-bound. class-bound earthbound home-bound leather-bound cloth-bound eastbound homeward-bound tradition-bound culture-bound fog bound honour-bound wheelchair-bound EXERCISE 210 Are there any nouns in the list below to which we could not add -FREE to make compound adjectives? accident care crime debt disease duty interest lead pain pollution rent risk stress tax trouble EXERCISE 211 Join words from the list with the colours to form compound colour adjectives. blood blue bottle brick coal electric ice iron jet lime midnight nut ocean off pea pearl royal sea sky snow Colours: ...-BLACK ...-BLUE ...-BROWN ...-GREEN ...-GREY ...-RED ...–WHITE EXERCISE 212 Which word can come before each of the groups to make compound adjectives? A. D... fried frozen rooted seated B. F... baked chopped cut ironed С. F... board circle face grown length scale D. G... begotten damned fearing forsaken given inspired like E. H... brewed made sick spun F. S... dead deaf cold ground washed G. S... baked burnt dried lit tanned H. W... bred built cut dressed educated meant preserved spoken timed ANSWER KEY 204 A. head-breaking news heart-searching thinking heart-warming support B. record-breaking result life-giving rain life-saving classes life-threatening disease C. self catering accommodation self-cleaning equipment self-defeating regulations self-justifying explanation self-locking door self-regulating organisation self-winding 205 А. -FREE carefree dust-free duty-free guilt-free lead-free pollution-free rent-free tax-free trafiìc-free В -HEARTED kind-hearted light-hearted soft-hearted tender-hearted warm-hearted C. -PROOF bombproof bulletproof danipproof dustproof fireproof flameproof foolproof soundproof waterproof D. SICK airsick carsick homesick E. -SPOKEN well-spoken plain-spoken outspoken soft-spoken 206 FULL- full-blooded full-blown full-flavoured full-grown HEART- heartbreaking heartfelt heart-searching heartwarming LIFE- affirming giving preserving saving supporting threatening LONG- -distance -lost -standing -range -lasting -suffering LOW- -cut -paid SECOND--class -rate -hand SHORT-handed lived -sighted –tempered 207 absent-minded professor audio-visual aids blood-thirsty monster breast-fed infant bullet-proofjocket cold-blooded criminal fact-finding mission first-class ticket front page news air-conditioned apartment bitter-sweet taste brand-new car breathtaking view clean-shaven man duty-free shop far-fetched conclusion freeze-dried coffee 208 brewed forsaken tanned 209 1) class-bound home-bound culture bound honour-hound earthbound tradition-bound fog-bound wheelchair-bound 2) earthbound eastbound home-hound homeward bound 3) cloth-bound leather-bound 210 No. We can add -FREE to any of the nouns. 211 -BLACK blue-black coal-block jet-black -BLUE electric-blue ice-blue midnight-blue royal-blue sky-blue -BROWN nut-brown -GREEN bottle-green lime-green ocean-green pea-green sea-green -GREY iron-grey pearl-grey -RED blood-red brick-red -WHITE off-white snow-white 212 A. DEEP deep-fried deep-frozen deep-rooted deep-seated B. FRESHLY freshlybaked freshlychopped freshlycut freshlyironed C. FULL fullboard full-circle full-fасe full-grown full-length full-scale D. GOD godbegotten goddamned god-fearing god-forsaken godgiven godinspired godlike E. HOME homebrewed homemade homesick homespun F STONE stone-dead stone-deaf stone-cold stone-ground stone-washed G. SUN sunlbaked sunburnt sun-dried sunlit suntanned H. WELL well-bred well-built well-cut well-dressed well-educated well-meant well-preserved well-spoken well-timed
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