Direct and indirect speech rules exercises

Direct and indirect speech rules exercises


Direct Speecl1 is also called Quoted Speecl1 or Direct Narration.

Direct Speecl1 refers exactly what so1neone has said.

Direct Speech appears vvithin quotation marks (" ."). A co1nma is used

before sta1ting the exact quote within the quotation n1arks.

Direct Speecl1 should be word for word.

The first letter of the quotation begins with a capital letter.

Example: 1'he president said, "I will not bear corruption in the country at any

cost. "


Indirect speecl1 is also called Reported Speech or Indirect Narration.

Indirect Speech does not refer exactly

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01. Dir ect and l :rndirect . Speech ................................... ,, ....................... .,., .•.•.. ,, .....5
02. Exp ression of l i1me ........................... ., ........................ " .. ., ........................ """···6
03. Important Report iln g Verbs Uiii ii.iiilhii iiii . f,ii i U i . u Ii iiiii ,I ii J, i iHiii ,i ii i i i ii i iii.i i Iii iii iii iii . Ii i i iliii i i i, u u.S
04 .. !Pronoun 1 Clilange ........................... ....... ........................................................... 17
05,. Tens,es in Direct and Endir,ect Speech .. , ................................... ,, ........... 22
06,. Re-poirti n.g Verb w :ith Objec t ....... , ...... ,, .............. co., ., • ••• • " .. ..... ........ . ... .... ..... .. . .... " •• 31
07. Cha nging Modal l Verbs ... .. ., ......... ., ........................ co .. . . .. . . ... ., ........ . . . . ... . . .,., • ••• • •• ,,.,. 34
08. 'Questio ns' ir11 Direct .and Indirect Speech ..................... ,, ............... ,, ... ,, .. 316
09. ·Exelam.atiiOn$' in Diiteet a1n<1 lndireet Speech ...................... , ......... , ...... 39
10. ' lm1pe rative ,s ' in Di ire cl and !Indirect Speech ., ................... .... ., .... , .... .,. .... 43
111. Dir ect and Indi rect Speech : Mixed lypes ........ ,., ...... ............................. 45
12. Whe re to Put Report ing Verb in Direc t. Speech ............................ ,.,, .... 4 16
13. Pun.ctuation R.ule,s ................................................................. .,., ................ 49
14·, othe r Usefu I N ot:e.s ti I 1111 •• I 11 11 1111 1 11111 1 1 1 1 l ilHI I I Ii i • • I I ll I Ii Ii i •• 1 1 ,1 1 111•1• 11111 Il l • • 1 1111 II llli r• • I I 1 1111••• • ~ 1 1 I 52
Exerc ise
01 ..... ................... ., ....................... ........................................ , ................. 54
02 ,.••••• ••• ••'••••• ••• •••• • •••• •••• •••• •ct1•• "••••••••• co•111••• ••co•11•••• •• • "••••• •co• 11••• ••• 11J11••• •• • •• 516
Exerc ise --03 ,. ................... ., ........•............. , .... , ................................. ,., ...... ,, .•.•..... 59
About the .Au tho r .. .. , ..... , . ,,., ......................................... ,,., ................ ,, ........ ,, ......... 62
01. Direct and Indirect Speech 
There are t,vo ways to express ,vl1at someone else has said. On this 
basis, sentences are oft,vo types: sentences ,vitl1 Direct Speech , and 
sentences ,vitl1 Indirect Speecl1 
Direct Speecl1 is also called Quoted Speecl1 or Direct Narration. 
Direct Speecl1 refers exactly what so1neone has said. 
Direct Speech appears vvithin quotation marks (" .. "). A co1nma is used 
before sta1ting the exact quote within the quotation n1arks. 
Direct Speecl1 should be word for word. 
The first letter of the quotation begins with a capital letter. 
Example: 1'he president said, "I will not bear corruption in the country at any 
cost. " 
Indirect speecl1 is also called Reported Speech or Indirect Narration. 
Indirect Speech does not refer exactly what son1eone has said. 
Indirect Speech doesn't appear vvithin quotation n1arks but the word "that " 
may be used as a conjunction between the repo1ting verb and repo1ted speech. 
Indirect Speech shouldn 't be word for word. 
Pronoun in Indirect Speech is changed according to speaker and hearer. 
Example: The president declared that he would not bear corruption in the 
country at any cost. 
Impo1tant rules for changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech are as 
02. Expression of Time 
You need to change expression of tin1e when changing direct speech (DS) into 
indirect speech (IDS) to n1atch the 1non1ent of speaki ng. hnpo1tant 
expressions of tin1e in direct and indirect speech are as follows: 
'a month ago' is changed into 'a month before' 
'a year ago' is changed into 'the previo11s year' or 'a year before' 
'last night' is changed into 'tl1e night before ' 
'last Sat11rday ' is changed into 'the Sat11rday before ' 
'last ,veekend' is changed into 'tl1e weekend before' 
'next year' is changed into 'tl1e follo,ving year' or 'tl1e year after ' 
'no,v' is changed into 'then' 
'tl1e day after tomorro,v ' is changed into 'in t,vo day 's time ' 
'the day before yesterday' is changed into 'two days before' 
'tl1ese (days) ' is changed into 'tl1ose (days) ' 
'this (morning/noon/ evening) ' IS changed into 
(morning/noon/ evening) ' 
'today ' is changed into 'that day' 
'tomorrow' is changed into 'tl1e next/following day ' or 'the day after ' 
'tonight' is changed into 'tl1at night ' 
'yesterday' is changed into 'tl1e previous day ' or 'tl1e day before ' 
Besides expressions of time, there are many other expressions that need to be 
changed if you are changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. 
'come' is changed into 'go' 
'bring' is changed into 'take' 
'tl1us' is changed into 'so' 
'hence' is changed into 'thence' 
'hitl1er' is changed into 'tl1ither' 
'here' is changed into 'tl1ere ' 
\<\Then "tl1is " and "tl1ese " are used in tin1e expressions, they are changed to 
"tl1at " and "those " respectively. Otherwise, they change as follows: 
When used as adjectives, "tl1is " and "these " change to "the ". 
Direct: He said to n1e, "Tl1is fruit is overripe " 
Indirect: He told n1e (that) the fruit was overripe. 
Direct: He said to me, "These bags are heavy" 
Indire ct: He told n1e (that) the bags were heavy. 
When used as pronouns, "this " and "these " change to "it " and 
"tl1ey / them " respectively. 
Direct: He said to n1e, "This is 1ny phone. " 
Indirect: He told n1e (that) it was his phone. 
03. Important Reporting Verbs 
Reportin g Ve rb 
Definition -- Verb used to indicate quoted or reported speech are called 
reporting verb. 
'Say' is the n1ost popular reporting verb. 
Dir ec t -- He says, "I will never forget you." 
Indire ct -- He says th at he would never forget n1e. 
Dire ct -- He sa id to n1e, "Finish your work. " 
Indir ect -- He sa id that I should finish n1y work. 
Besides, you can use rnany other verbs to 1nake what you say n1uch 1nore 
interesting and inforn1ative. 
Exarnples : 
He a sked n1e to finish n1y work. 
He pl' opo se d rne to finish n1y ,.vork. 
He Ol'del'ed rne to finish n1y work. 
He ul'ged n1e to finish n1y work. 
He begg ed n1e to finish n1y work. 
He advis ed rne to finish n1y work. 
He sugg est ed n1e to finish my work. 
Addition al Example s -- Us in g Differ ent Reportin g Verb s (Otl1er tl1an 
'Say') in Indir ec t Speec h: 
He a ccept s th at he was at fault. 
They a ccuse d l1im of s tealin g their bags. 
He add ed tl1at further investigation in to the n1atter \Vas underway. 
Scientists admit tl1at the cost of restoring a dan1age river ecosysten1 is very 
Doctor adv ise d l1im to tak e his n1edicine regularly. 
Spokesn1an announ ce d tl1at the president had decided to cancel the visit. 
They anti cipat e tl1at they will win the n1atch. 
Villagers be lieve d tl1at he was going to be a tough officer for n1iscreants. 
He claim ed tl1at he rernen1bered rninute details frorn his previous birth. 
A leader comm ent ed tl1at the forces of hurnanisn1 should unite globally to 
end the terrorisn1. 
He is compla ining bitterly tl1at he has been the chief spokesn1an of the 
party for over four years, but in the recent reshuffle , he has been ren1oved fron1 
the post and reduced just a state n1inister 
His fa1nily me1nbers confil'med that he was fine and had even called up 
home to talk to his son . 
She disclosed that she had cooked her own food according to the diet 
District magistrate gual'anteed that there would not be any political 
interference in the investigation of cases. 
President of the rviountaineering Association infol'med them that there was 
no water available on almost a 20 -n1ile stretch of the trek. 
The government insisted that personnel of the disaster response force had 
been sent to conduct relief and rescue operation. 
She l'emal'ked if she had a daughter, she would have asked her to join 
She l'eminded reporters tl1at she didn 't do anything wrong so she shouldn 't 
CNIO l'eplied that they were investigating the case. 
He SCl'eamed that he was going to bring the sorry state of slun1s to the 
notice of hu111an right comn1ission. 
She thinks tl1at there are son1e flaws in our society and there is 
discrin1ination as well. 
He yelled at lier to leave hin1 alone. 
Detailed list of common reporting verbs that are used in indirect 
(Note : These verbs take a variety of structures in indirect speech. A 111Hnber 
of verbs can take 1nore than one structure.) 
Pop11lar str11ctures of reporting verbs in indirect speech 
verb + that -clause 
verb + (object) + to-infinitive 
verb + (object) + (preposition) + gerund 
Example --
Reporting verb "Yell" takes the following str11cture in indirect 
verb + preposition "at " + object + infinitive 
Direct -- He said loudly, "Stop ". 
Indirect -- He yelled at her to stop. 
Note: You can 't use gerund , instead of infinitive after verb 'yell' 
Indirect -- He yelled at her to stopping. [Incorrect] 
Another Example --
Reporting verb "Advi se" takes the following struct11.res in indire ct 
structure 1 -- verb + that -clause 
structure 2 -- verb + object + to -infinitive 
structure 3 -- verb + object + prepo sition "against " + gerund 
Direct -- He said to me , "Don't go into the deep forest. " 
Indirect -- He advised (n1e) tl1at I should not go into the deep forest. 
Indirect -- He advised me not to go into the deep forest. 
Indirect -- He advised me against going into the deep forest. 
List of common reportin g verbs and tl1eir str11ctures in indirect 
01. Accept -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
02. Accuse -- structure -- verb + object + prepo sition "of ' + gerund 
03. Acknowledge -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
04. Add -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
05. Admit -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
preposition + gerund 
06. Advise -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + object + 
to -infinitive I structure 3 -- verb + object + preposition "against " + gerund 
07. Advocate - structure 1-- verb + that -clause I structure 2 - verb + 
(object) + gerund 
08. Affirm -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
09. Agree -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + to -
10. Allege -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
11. Announce -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
12. Ans,ver -- structure -- verb + (object) + that -clause 
13. Anticipate -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
14. Argue -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
preposition + gerund 
15. Ask -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause + I structure 2 -- verb + (object) + 
to -infinitive 
16. Assert -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
17. Assure -- structure -- verb + object + that -clause 
18 . Beg -- stru cture 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + (object) + 
to -infinitive 
19. Believe -- stru cture 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + (object) 
+ to -infinitive 
20. Boast -- structur e -- verb + that -clause 
21. Claim -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + (object) + 
22. Command -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
(object) + to-infinitive 
23. Comment -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
24. Complain -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
25. Con clude -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
26. Confe ss -- structure 1 -- verb + that- clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
preposition "to" + gerund 
27. Confirm -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
28. Consider -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
gerund + I structure 3 -- verb + object + to-infinitive 
29. Contemplate - structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
30. Continue -- structure 1 -- verb + gerund + I structure 2 -- verb + to-
31. Counter -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause 
32. Decide -- structure 1 -- verb + that- clause I structure 2 -- verb + to-
33. Declare -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + object 
+ to-infinitive 
34. Demand -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + to-
35. Den y -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + gerund 
36. Disclose -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
37 . Doubt -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
38. En courage -- structure 1 -- verb + gerund I structure 2 -- verb + object + 
39. Enquire -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
40. Expect -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + (object) 
+ to-infinitive 
41. Explain -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
42. Feel -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
43. Forbid -- structure 1 -- verb + object + to-infinitive I structure 2 -- verb + 
(object) + gerund 
44. Foreca st -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + object 
+ to-infinitive 
45. Grant -- structure -- verb + (object) + that 
46. Gr11mble -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
47. Guarantee -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + to-
48. Gues s -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
49 . Hop e -- struct1.1re 1 -- verb + that-clause I str1.1ct1.1re 2 -- verb + to -
50 . Hypothe s ize -- str1.1ct1.1re -- verb + that-clause 
51. In1agine -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + gerund 
52 . Impl y -- str1.1cture -- verb + that -clause 
53. Inform -- structure 1 -- verb + object + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
object + preposition 'of ' / 'about' 
54 . Inquire -- str1.1cture -- verb + preposition 'about ' 
55 . Ins is t -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I struct1.1re 2 -- verb + 
preposition 'on'+ (object) + gerund 
56 . Ins tru ct -- struct1.1re 1 -- verb + that -clause I str1.1cture 2 -- verb + object 
+ to-infinitive 
57 . Invit e -- str1.1cture -- verb + object + to -infinitive 
58. Jud ge -- structure -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + object + 
to -infinitive 
59 . Learn -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + to-
60. Mention -- str1.1cture 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
61. M11rm11r -- str1.1cture -- verb + that -clause 
62 . Mutter -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
63 . Notify -- structure -- verb + object + that -clause 
64 . Object -- str1.1cture -- verb + preposition "to" + gerund 
65 . Observe -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
66 . Offer -- structure -- verb + to -infinitive 
67. Order -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + object + 
to -infinitive 
68. Per suad e -- structure 1 -- verb + object + to-infinitive I structure 2 --
verb + object + preposition "into " + gerund 
69 . Plea d -- structure -- verb + to -infinitive 
70 . Pray -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + to -
71. Predi ct -- str1.1cture -- verb + that -clause 
72 . Proclaim -- structure -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + object 
+ to -infinitive 
73. Promi se -- structure 1 -- verb + ( object) + that I structure 2 -- verb + to-
74 . Prono11n ce -- struct1.1re -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
object + to -infinitive 
75. Propo se -- struct1.1re 1 -- verb + that -clause I struct1.1re 2 -- verb + to-
infinitive I structure 3 -- verb + gerund 
76. Prote s t -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
77. Reassure -- structure -- verb + object + that-clause 
78. Reco gnize -- structure -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + object 
+ to-infinitive 
79. Recommend -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
object + to -infinitive I structure 3 - verb + (object) + gerund 
So. Record -- structure -- verb + that- clause 
81. Refuse -- structure -- verb + to-infinitive 
82. Remark -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
83. Remind -- structure 1 -- verb + object + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb 
+ object + to-infinitive 
84. Repeat -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
85. Repl y -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
86. Report -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
87. Request -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + object 
+ to-infinitive 
88. Re spond -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
89. Retort -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
90. Reveal -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
91. Scream -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
92. Sl1011t -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
93. Speculate -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
94. State -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
95. Suggest -- structure 1 -- verb + that -clause I structure 2 -- verb + gerund 
96. Suppose -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + object 
+ to-infinitive 
97. S,vear -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + to-
98. Tell -- structure -- verb + object + that-clause 
99. Thank -- structure -- verb + object + preposition "for" + gerund 
100. Think -- structure -- verb + that -clause 
101. Threaten -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + to-
102. Underst and -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
object + gerund 
103. Urge -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + object + 
104. Warn -- structure 1 -- verb + object + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + 
object + to-infinitive 
105. Whisper -- structure -- verb + to + object + that-clause 
106. Wonder -- structure -- verb + that-clause 
107. Write -- structure 1 -- verb + that-clause I structure 2 -- verb + gerund 
108. Yell -- structure -- verb + preposition "at" + object + infinitive 
"Say " is the most common l'epol'ting v e l'b in Dil' ect Sp eec li. But you 
can also us e tli e following v e1•bs to l'epol't th e dil' ec t sp eec h: 
add , ad,nit, announce, answer , assert, assure, clain1, co,nmand , ccnnment , 
co,nplain , conclude , confirrn , continue , counter , declare , demand , enquire , 
explain , grumble , guarantee , holler, howl , infor,n , insist , 1nutter, observe , 
ponder , proclaim, pro,nise , pronounce , protest , query , read , re,nark , re,nind , 
repeat , reply , report, screan1, screech , shout , shriek , s1nile, snap , squeal , 
think , urge , warn , whisper , wonder , write , yell 
She l'eminded him , "You had pron1ised me to help me." 
She smil ed , "You are very clever ." 
I-le wlii sp el'ed, "I will talk to you later." 
fie wond el'ed , "What will happen now?" 
They y e lled, "M ave back." 
04. Pronoun Change 
Wl1ile cl1angin g Dir ec t Spe ec l1 into Indirect Spe ec h , you l1ave to 
make cl1ange in pronoun to MATC H tl1e SU BJECT of tl1e sent ence . 
Keeping in 1nind the gender of the subject, change the pronouns fron1 the first 
and second person in direct speech to third person in indirect speech. 
Exampl e 1 : 
Dir ec t -- He said, "I an1 watering the plants." 
Indire ct -- He said that lie was watering the plants. 
Note: Pronoun 'I ' was changed into 'H e'. 
Ex ampl e 2: 
Dir ec t -- 1'hey stated, "We ,,vill file a civil case in the court. " 
Indir ec t -- They stated that tl1ey would file a civil case in the cou1t. 
Not e : Pronoun 'W e' was changed into 'Tli ey '. 
Ex ampl e 3 : 
Dir ec t -- She said, "I will fight the election. " 
Indire ct -- She declared that she would fight the election. 
Note: Pronoun 'I' was changed into 'Sh e'. 
Not e : Personal pronouns need to be changed according to the context. There 
n1ay be confusion when changing indirect speech into direct speech : 
Look at th e follo,,ving exa1nple : 
Indir ec t Speec l1 -- He said that he was listening to n1usic. 
Here, 'he' may represent two different people! 
Clarifi ca tion --
Indir ec t -- He said that he was listening to n1usic. 
Dir ec t -- He said, "I was listening to n1usic." 
Indir ec t -- He said that he was listening to n1usic. 
Dir ec t -- He said, "He was listening to n1usic." 
Detail ed R11les for Pronoun Change: 
(A). 'I ' (Subject Pronoun) bec<n11es 'HE/S HE'. 
Direct -- David / He said, "I an1 writing a lette r." 
Indirect -- David / He said that he was writin g a lette r. 
Direct -- Mary/She said, "I an1 writing a lette r ." 
Mary/She said that she was wiiti ng a letter. 
(B). 'ME' (Obje ct Pronoun) beco1nes 'HIM/HER ' 
Direct -- David /He said, "She invited me ." 
Indirect -- David / He said that she had invited him . 
Direct -- Mary/She said, "He invited me. " 
Indirect -- Mary/She said that he had invited her . 
(C). 'MY' (Possessive Pronoun) bec<n11es 'HIS /HE R' 
Direct -- David /He said, "My pho ne is S\vitched off." 
Indirect -- David / He said that l1is phone was s,Nitched off. 
Direct -- Mary/She said, "My phone is svvitched off." 
Indirect -- Mary/She said that her phone \Nas switched off. 
(D). 'MINE' (Possessive Pro noun) beco1nes 'HIS /HE R' 
Direct -- David /He said, "He wanted the dress like mine ." 
Indirect -- David / He said that he had wanted the dress like hi s. 
Direct -- Mary/She said, "She wanted the dress like mine ." 
Indirect -- Mary/She said that she had wanted the dress like her . 
(E). 'MYSELF' (Reflexive Pronoun) beco1nes 'HIMSELF /HE RSELF ' 
Direct -- David /He said, "I will speak to then1 myse lf ." 
Indirect -- David / He said that he ,,vould speak to then1 himself ." 
Direct -- Mary/She said, "I will speak to then1 myse lf." 
Indirect -- Mary/She said that she would speak to then1 her se lf." 
(A). ' I / WE' (Subject Pronouns) becon1es 'YOU ' 
Direct -- You said, "I an1 writin g a lette r. 
Indirect -- You said that yo11 were writing a letter. 
Direct -- You said, "We are writin g a lette r. 
Indirect -- You said that yo11 were writing a letter. 
(B). 'ME/US ' (Object Pronouns) becon1es 'YOU' 
Direct -- You said, "He invited me ." 
Indirect -- You said that he had invited you. 
Direct -- You said , "He invited us. " 
Indirect -- You said that he had invited you. 
(C). 'MY/OUR' (Possessive Pronouns) becon1es 'YOUR ' 
Direct -- You said , "My phone is s,,vitched off." 
Indirect -- You said that your phone was switched off. 
Direct -- You said , "Ottr phones are s,,vitched off." 
Indirect -- You said that your phones were switched off. 
(D). 'MINE/OURS' (Possessive Pronouns) becomes 'YOURS' 
Direct -- You said , "He wanted the dress like mine. " 
Indirect -- You said that he had wanted the dress like yours. 
Direct -- You said , "He wanted the dress like ottrs." 
Indirect -- You said that he had wanted the dress like yours. 
(E). 'MYSELF /OU RSELVES ' (Reflexive Pronouns) becon1es 'YOURSELF ' 
Direct -- You said , "I will speak to hi1n myself. " 
Indirect -- You said that you would speak to him yourself. 
Direct -- You said , "Vve will speak to hi1n ot1rselves. " 
Indirect -- You said that you would speak to him yourselves. 
(A). 'WE' (Subject Pronoun) becon1es 'THEY' 
Direct -- They said, "We are writing letters." 
Indirect -- They said that tl1ey were writing letters. 
(B). 'US' (Objective Pronoun) beco1nes 'THEM' 
Direct -- They said, "He invited us ." 
Indirect -- They said that he had invited them. 
(C). 'OUR' (Possessive Pronoun) becon1es 'THEIR' 
Direct -- They said, "Our phones are switched off." 
Indirect -- They said that tl1eir phones were switched off." 
(D). 'OURS' (Possessive Pronoun) beco1nes 'THEIRS' 
Direct -- They said, "He wanted the dress like ours. " 
Indirect -- They said that he wanted the dress like tl1eirs . 
(E). OURSELVES (Reflexive Pronoun) becon1es THEMSELVES 
Direct -- They said, "We will speak to hi1n ourselves. " 
Indire ct -- They said that they will speak to hi1n themselves . 
05. Tenses in Direct and Indirect Speech 
In reported speech \Ve usually talk about a tin1e in the past (It is obvious that 
the person who spoke originally n1ust have spoken in the past). Thus , there is 
need to change the tense in reported (Indirect) speech. 
SITUATION 01 - Repo,-ting Ve,-b in PJ·esent Tense 
If ,-epo,-ting ve1·b in di,-ect speech is in pl"esent tense then tense of 
di1•ect speecli ivill not be changed in indi,-ect speecli. 
In the following examples , l"epo,-ting ve,-b 'say' is in p1·esent tense. 
Tltel"efol"e, you don 't need to cliange tenses in indi,-ect speech. 
Present Indefinite 
Direct -- He says , "I am happy." 
Indirect -- He says that he is happy. 
Present Continuo11s 
Direct -- He says , "I am ,vaiting for 1ny appoint1nent letter. " 
Indirect -- He says that he is ,vaitin 2-for his appointn1ent letter. 
Go Bock 
Present Perfect 
Direct -- He says , "I have completed 1ny graduation" 
Indirect -- He says that he ha s completed his graduation. 
Present Perfect Continuous 
Direct -- He says , "I have been learning co1nputer for six n1onths." 
Indirect -- He says that he ha s been learning co1nputer for six n1onths. 
Past Indefinite 
Direct -- He says , "I ,vas happy." 
Indirect -- He says that he was happy. 
Past Contin11ous 
Direct -- He says , "I ,vas ,vaiting for n1y appoint1nent letter." 
Indirect -- He says that he was waiting for his appointn1ent letter. 
Past Perfect 
Direct -- He says , "I had completed 1ny graduation" 
Indirect -- He says that he had completed his graduation. 
Past Perfect Contin11ous 
Direct -- He says , "I had been learning co1nputer for six n1onths." 
Indirect -- He says tha t he had been learning comput er for six n1onths . 
Fut11re Indefinite 
Direct -- He says , "I will be happy ." 
Indirect -- He says tha t he will be happy . 
Fut11re Contin11ous 
Direct -- He says , "I will be ,vaiting for my appointment letter ." 
Indirect -- He says tha t he will be ,vaiting for his appo intment lette r. 
Fut11re Perfect 
Direct -- He says , "I will have completed my grad uation" 
Indirect -- He says tha t he will have completed his gradu at ion . 
Fut11re Perfect Continuous 
Direct -- He says , "I will have been learning con1puter for six mont hs." 
Indirect -- He says tha t he will have been learning co1nputer for six 
n1onths . 
SITUATION 02 - Repol'ting Vel'b in Past Tense 
If l'epol'ting vel'b in dil'ect speech is in past tense then all pl'esent 
tense of dil'ect speecli will be clianged into co1"1·esponding past in 
indil'ect speecli. 
In the following examples , l'epol'ting vel'b 'say' (said) of dil'ect 
speecli is in past tense. Tltel'efol'e , you need to change all pl'esent 
tense of dil'ect speech in co1"1·esponding past. 
Pl'esent Indefinite Tense is changed into Past Indefinite Tense 
Direct -- Present indefinit e - He said , "I am happy." 
Indirect -- Past Ind efinit e - He said that he ,vas happy. 
Pl'esent Continuous Tense is changed into Past Continuous Tense 
Direct -- Present Continu ous - He said , "I am waiting for n1y appo intn1ent 
lette r." 
Indirect -- Past Continu ous - He said t hat he was waiting for his 
appo int1nent letter. 
Pl'esent Pe1:fect Tense is clianged into Past Pe1:fect Tense 
Direct -- Present Perfect - He said , "I have completed 1ny gradu at ion" 
Indirect -- Past Pe1fect - He said that he had completed his graduatio n . 
Present Perfect Continuous Tense is clianged into Past Pe1:fect 
Continuous Tense 
Direct -- Present Perfect Continuou s - He said , "I l1ave been learning 
con1puter for six n1onth s." 
Indirect -- Past Perfect Continuous - He said that he had been learning 
con1puter for six n1onth s. 
Universal Tn1tl1 [Law of Na ture] or Tn1e Statement 
Re1nember: Don 't change tense if direct speech expresses son1e universal 
truth or so,nethi ng w hich is believed to be true. 
Example 1 
Direct -- He said , "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west." 
Indirect -- He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 
We all know that the sun ris es in the east and sets in the west. It is a universal 
truth. Therefore, it wouldn't be right to use past fol'm of l'ise 01· set in 
Indirect Speech even if l'epol'ting vel'b is in past form. 
Example 2: 
Direct -- She said , "All hun1an beings l1ave two eyes and two ears." 
Indirect -- She said that all hu1nan beings have two eyes and two ears . 
Vve all know that all of us have two eyes and two ears. It is a universal truth. 
Therefore, it wouldn 't be right to use had (past form of have) in Indirect 
Speech even if reporting verb is in past forn1. 
Example 3: 
Direct -- She said, "Ten mu ltiplied by five makes fifty." 
Indirect -- She said ten n1ultiplied by five makes fifty. 
Immediate Report 
Re1nember: Don 't chan ge tense if you report speech i1nn1ediately after 
someo ne has spoke n. 
Read tl1e follo,ving conversation: 
Direct: David 's 1nother asked hi1n, "What are you doing'?" 
Dire ct: David said to his 1nother i1n1nediately , "I am wat ching TV." 
Direct: Then , David 's fa ther asked his rnother, "What is he saying?" 
No,v correct repor

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